Friday, November 2, 2007

October 2007

Hi Everyone,

Hope you all had a wonderful Halloween! We have more candy in our house right now than Hershey makes in a year! Anyway, here are some pictures from the last month or so. Enjoy!

Alex, Riley and Mr. Checkers. Most of you have not met him before, but Mr. Checkers is a very important part of the family!

We went to Merrymead Farms to pick pumpkins and have some other kinds of Halloween fun.

Alex parked his caboose on the biggest pumpkin he could find and waited for some good looking chickies to walk by. Unfortunately, his sister chased them all away!

"Hey Mom, you got any matches? We could probably burn our way out of this place!"

One more year and Riley might be tall enough to get her entire face in the ghost!

One more year and Alex will be taller than the ghost.

Alex (in the yellow shirt) doing the fist pump during a tractor ride.

Alex just came out of that inflatable "thing". We're not sure what it was...but there was a lot of heat coming out of it.

Oh yeah....that's Hilary crawling out of that stinky heat box!

Mom and Alex on a hay ride around the farm.

Dad and Riley admiring the scenery.

Riley playing games.

Alex in action (yes...that egg actually landed in the basket!)

Grammy, Riley, Alex, and Pop-Pop

The token family shot...

Grammy bought Alex and Riley ice cream. Does life get any better?

Since Jim's aspirations to become a rock star did not come to fruition in college, he has decided to give the dream one last try. His new band gives him a much better chance of success.

Alex and Riley posing with the decorations outside.


From the look on his face, apparently Jim had no idea what was actually inside a pumpkin.

Given that social services probably would frown upon 3 year olds playing with knives, the only person that got to actually carve was Jim. Everyone else got magic markers, glitter and glue. Still pretty messy...which is always fun!!

The twins went to Hilary's school for some Halloween fun (can't you tell by the look on Alex's face?) Alex dressed as Woody from Toy Story and Riley was Mulan from...well...Mulan.

Things started to look up once the balls were brought out!

During her visit to Mom's school, Riley performed a variation of the Mai style of Japanese dance...the Kyomai Style Dance. For those that don't know, the Kyomai developed in the 17th century Tokugawa cultural period....but honestly...who wouldn't know that?

While Riley performed difficult ancient dances...Jim dressed up as a hotdog.

Given that Alex is a pacifist, he did not carry a gun. But he would not hesitate to blind an unsuspecting person for 2 seconds with his flashlight...especially if they wouldn't give up the candy quickly enough!

Posing for the camera.

Ready to hit the neighbors up for some goodies!

Hilary's smiling in this picture because, at this point, she still doesn't realize that Jim is planning on walking around the neighborhood with the costume on!

Given that Alex had a badge (and a flashlight), he made Pop-Pop carry his bag of candy and go to every single door with him to do the begging!

Riley and Mommy walking to the next house...

After the trick or treating was done, it was time to relax...

....and play with some toys!!!!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

End of Summer - 2007

Well, the summer of 2007 is winding down. We finished the season with some fun and some work around the house. As you'll see below, they keep growing and growing and continue to make Hilary and me smile everyday. Hope everyone is doing well.

Ok...Alex is going to see this blog someday and head straight to therapy and blame everything on his dad...but I just couldn't resist (he also paints his nails!).

A wool hat in 85 degree weather....and it's pink! You might assume that Jim is starting to think that he should be a bit more involved when Hilary selects Alex's outfits for the day...but then where would he get all these funny pix?

We went to Valley Forge at the end of August and Riley decided she would break into George's cabin.

Unfortunately for Riley and Alex, General Washington came home early and caught them both red-handed (Riley was hiding George's wooden dentures behind her back).

Another historic building that we should not have been roaming around in...

....but we made ourselves at home anyway.

Yes...they're standing on the same step. Riley obviously gets her height from her dad.

For some reason he still cannot explain, Jim decided to paint the house....only took 9 days though!

Goodbye florescent yellow siding!!!!!

Alex and Riley went to their first day of pre-pre-school (is that a real thing?) on September 10. They both had a blast! Although Hilary and Jim have absolutely no idea what they do in class because they refuse to talk about it.
Alex in "tough guy" mode!

No matter what's going on...Riley will always find time to steal a kiss!

We spent a day at Dorney Park (thanks Piper!) recently. The kids and Hilary had tons of fun on the rides. Jim isn't the biggest fan of rides...but he hung in there.

Alex riding the lion and loving it.

Riley would not get within 50 yards of Snoopy...but Alex had no problem getting up close.

Future participants of Lansdale's Bike Night (let's hope not)....

From left: Hilary, Nick, Riley, Alex, Jack, Piper

Hopefully you all know everyone in this shot...otherwise...why are you viewing this blog?