Sunday, April 19, 2009

Soccer Update - April 19, 2009

Thought I would share some pix of A & R's soccer game.

Riley warming up with a big kick before the game!

Alex with a warm up kick of his own.

Riley is number 2.  Alex is standing next to the coach.

Pre-game talk!

Always time for a modeling shot...

Alex is number 3.

Jim's exact comments prior to this seen were..."Don't pick Riley for goalie, don't pick Riley for goalie..."

Lookin' good!

Alex envisioning his next (first) goal...

Dad's proven wrong as Riley makes a stellar save to keep the game scoreless!

Alex continues to think about his goal (actually, he was hungry and wondering what the after game snack would be).

Riley comes off the field after the first half to a standing ovation...

Alex's turn to shine!

On an offensive rush with a much taller female teammate.

Alex with an incredible corner kick.  He put it right on his teammate's head for a brilliant scoring opportunity.  Well...maybe I'm remembering it differently than what actually happened...but he still did a good job with his first corner!

Alex in pursuit of the ball.

The Red Jaguars won 2-0 to remain undefeated on the season!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

April 2009

Hi all,'s been 4 months since our last update.  Lots going on with us.  We have officially said goodbye to Lansdale and moved to New Hanover Township, PA in February.  The four of us love our new home and the kids especially love the fact that they have their own bedrooms now!  We're excited that the warmer weather is coming so we can work on growing some grass now!  Hope all is well with everyone.

Here we are!  New Hanover Twp.  Our own little slice of heaven.  If you look close at the sign, you'll see that they're giving away free gun safety locks and there are compost sites available!  Wow...what a place!!! 

Welcome to our humble abode...

Ok...we're not fully decorated yet...but it's only been 45 days or so.  Give us time...

Hilary finally has her dream kitchen!

Now to the good stuff.  A week or so after we moved in, the kids had the chance to play in some snow.

During their snow day, Dad had them start to dig the hole for the mailbox post.  It didn't work out that well...

They were smart and went up the street to grab this to help with the digging.

Riley running from Mommy.

This is either a very sweet rock design or there is a creepy cult in our neighborhood that we should watch out for!

Daddy, Alex and Riley on a trek over the mounds of dirt in our neighborhood.

Riley and Alex hugging in the front "yard".

Live it up now kids!  Once there are more people in the neighborhood, your days in the street are over!

Riley likes to pose more than she likes to actual ride the scooter.

On top of the mound across from our house.

On the way down the mound...

Digging for China!  


Nothing like bubble beards to put a smile on your face!

Alex and Riley are playing their first year of soccer this Spring.  As you can see from the picture, it was perfect weather for their first game...

Riley warming up before the game.

Alex in the midst of the enemy!

Mommy and Alex relaxing at Ringing Rocks park.

Dancing in celebration of the Spring weather!

Are you starting to see why it's called Ringing Rocks park? neither...

Alex and Riley saw a baby turtle in the water over the bridge.  It made for an excellent soup!

The soup comment was a joke!

As you can see, we really like the mound of dirt across from our house.  Here, Alex has conquered the mountain while Riley runs to catch him.

By the time Riley reaches the top, we had all left to go eat dinner...

All I want for Christmas is a few blades of grass to kick this ball on!

Hanging on the front porch...

...enjoying the Spring day!  Happy Spring everyone!